Description from
Flora of China
Orchis pectinata Smith, Exot. Bot. 2: 77. 1806, not Thunberg (1794); Habenaria ensifolia Lindley; Kryptostoma pectinatum (D. Don) Szlachetko & Olszewski; Ochyrorchis ensifolia (Lindley) Szlachetko; O. pectinata (D. Don) Szlachetko.
Plants turning black when dried, 55-70 cm tall. Tubers oblong, 2-3 × 1-1.5 cm, fleshy. Stem erect, terete, stout, glabrous, with several tubular sheaths and many leaves. Leaf blade oblong to linear-lanceolate, 6-15 × 1.5-2 cm, base amplexicaul, apex acuminate. Raceme 6-13-flowered, 10-20 cm; floral bracts lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 2.5-3.2 cm, much longer than ovary, apex acuminate; ovary twisted, slightly arching, terete, including pedicel 1.8-2 cm. Sepals greenish, 5-veined, apical margin ciliate, apex often recurved; dorsal sepal erect, concave, lanceolate, ca. 17 × 5 mm, apex subacute; lateral sepals spreading, obliquely oblong, subfalcate, ca. 19 × 5 mm, apex acute. Petals forming a hood with dorsal sepal, greenish or white, obliquely falcate, ca. 17 × 3 mm, adaxially ± hairy, margin ciliate, unlobed, apex acute; lip white, slightly longer than sepal, spurred at base, deeply 3-lobed; lateral lobes linear, ca. 2 cm, outer margin with 6 or 7 filiform lobules; mid-lobe linear, ca. 1.8 cm; spur pendulous, cylindric-clavate, 17-18 mm, slightly dilated toward apex; connective ca. 2 mm wide; pollinia narrowly ellipsoid; caudicles curved, slender; viscidia discoid; stigma thinly clavate. Fl. Aug. 2n = 42, 42 + 2B.
Forests; ca. 1800 m. S Yunnan [India, Nepal].