7a. Pittosporum perryanum var. perryanum
缝线海桐(原变种) feng xian hai tong (yuan bian zhong)
Description from Flora of China
Pittosporum membranifolium S. C. Huang ex W. C. Yin.
Leaf blade long elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 8–17 × 4–6 cm. Capsule ellipsoid or occasionally narrowly tubelike, 2–3(–4) × 1.4–1.7 cm. Fl. Mar–May, fr. May–Oct.
The capsules can be used medicinally in the treatment of jaundice.
Forests, thickets, valleys, slopes, stream sides; 600--1800 m. W Guangdong (Xinyi Xian), S Guangxi, SW Hainan, SE Sichuan (Changning Xian, Hejiang Xian), S Yunnan.
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