Description from
Flora of China
Shrubs evergreen, 1–1.5 m tall. Branchlets blackish brown to nearly black when old, initially densely brown pubescent, glabrous when old, with brown lenticels; buds conical, ± with soft yellowish brown hairs, apex acute. Petiole 1–2 mm, yellowish brown hairy; leaf blade green adaxially, elliptic to obovate-elliptic, 2–5 × 1.5–2.8 cm, leathery, veins 6–8 pairs, inconspicuous, abaxially pale initially yellowish brown villous along midvein, glabrate, sometimes villous only basally when old, adaxially initially sparsely yellowish brown villous, glabrescent, base cuneate, margin sharply serrate, apex acute or abruptly shortly apiculate. Inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered, or in terminal 3–6-flowered corymb; bracts subulate, 1.5–2 mm. Pedicel 1–2 cm, sparsely yellowish brown villous. Hypanthium campanulate, abaxially sparsely yellowish brown villous. Sepals triangular, 1.5–2 mm. Stamens 20. Styles 2 or 3, connate basally. Fruit red, ovoid-ellipsoid or urceolate, glabrous, with sparse, small lenticels; fruiting pedicels 1–2 cm, slender, minutely lenticellate, sparsely villous or subglabrous; sepals persistent, erect, 8–10 mm. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Oct–Nov.
Thickets; 100--700 m. Zhejiang.