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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Salicaceae | Salix

5. Salix Sect. Amygdalinae W. Koch, Syn. Deut. Schweiz. Fl. 644. 1837.

三蕊柳组 san rui liu zu

Description from Flora of China

Sect. Triandrae Dumortier.

Trees or shrubs; bark exfoliating. Branchlets weak. Leaves usually stipulate; leaf blade lanceolate, both surfaces glabrous, margin regularly serrate, apex acute or acuminate. Flowering coetaneous. Catkins shortly pedunculate; bracts greenish yellow or yellowish. Flowers with adaxial and abaxial glands. Male flower: stamens 3(or 4), free. Female flower: ovary glabrous, long stipitate; style and stigma very short.


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