56. Pedicularis ser. Cheilanthifoliae Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 32: 524. 1888.
碎米蕨叶系 sui mi jue ye xi
Description from Flora of China
Ser. Ophiocephalae Prain.
Herbs perennial. Roots ± fleshy. Stems unbranched or with erect rigid branches. Basal leaves usually cespitose, persistent. Stem leaves in whorls of 4, pinnatisect. Inflorescences subcapitate to spicate or racemose. Calyx deeply cleft anteriorly, 3- or 5-lobed. Corolla yellow, white, or red; tube ca. as long as calyx or shorter, decurved in calyx; beak short.
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