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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

106. Pedicularis ser. Filiculae H. L. Li, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 101: 9. 1949.

拟蕨系 ni jue xi

Description from Flora of China

Herbs mostly low. Roots fleshy. Leaves almost all basal; stem leaves alternate; petiole long; pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemose, centrifugal, or flowers axillary. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla large; tube less than 2 X as long as calyx; beak short, sometimes dentate apically; lower lip often less than 1.2 cm wide.

Nine species: Bhutan, China, Nepal, Sikkim; eight species in China.


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