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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Moraceae | Ficus

1. Ficus subgen. Urostigma (Gasparrini) Miquel, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi. 3: 285. 1867.

榕亚属 rong ya shu

Description from Flora of China

Urostigma Gasparrini, Giorn. Bot. Ital. 1: 215. 1844.

Shrubs or multistemmed trees, often initially epiphytic or epilithic, rarely terrestrial; monoecious. Stipules fully amplexicaul. Branches usually with long aerial adventitious roots. Leaf blade unlobed, symmetric, margin entire; wax gland solitary, abaxially at base of midvein. Figs usually axillary on normal leafy stems, rarely cauliflorous, interfloral bracts usually present, internal bristles sometimes present, apical pore with interlocking bracts, circular with 2 or 3 bracts visible or upper bracts descending and aperture slit-shaped or 3-radiate; peduncle with 3 basal bracts in a collar; lateral bracts usually absent. Male flowers: dispersed or around apical pore; stamen 1(or 2); pistillode usually absent. Female flowers: stigma usually simple, filiform, mostly conspicuously papillate. Fruit an achene or ± drupaceous.

The fig wasps that pollinate members of Ficus subgen. Urostigma belong to some 12 genera, each mostly associated with a particular section or subsection of this subgenus.

Between 280 and 300 species: throughout tropics and subtropics worldwide; 23 species (one introduced) in China.


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