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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 2 | Pottiaceae

10. Eucladium Bruch & Schimp. in B. S. G., Bryol. Eur. 1:93. 1846.


Plants small to medium-sized, dark green to yellowish green or brownish, in dense tufts or cushions. Stems erect, usually branched; in cross section, with five ridges, central strand absent. Leaves slightly contorted when dry, erect-spreading when moist, oblong-ovate at the base, gradually narrowed toward the apex, narrowly lanceolate, rounded or blunt at the apex; margins plane, entire at the leaf base, serrate above the base; costa stout, percurrent, with 2 stereid bands; upper leaf cells small, green, rounded-quadrate, thick-walled, papillose; basal cells larger, irregularly rectangular, thin-walled, smooth, hyaline, marginal cells linear. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves slightly larger than stem leaves. Setae slender, straight; capsules erect, elliptic-cylindrical; annuli poorly developed, of one row of cells, persistent; peristome teeth yellowish brown, slightly twisted counterclockwise, 2–3-divided to the middle, irregularly perforate, densely papillose; opercula conic, obliquely rostrate. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth. Spores pale yellowish, smooth.

Two species have since been placed in Eucladium, but E. irroratum (Mitt.) Jaeg. was transferred to Tetracoscinodon by Zander (1993). Eucladium is now considered to be a monotypic genus.

Lower Taxon


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