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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 2 | Pottiaceae | Bryoerythrophyllum

1. Bryoerythrophyllum alpigenum (Vent.) P.-C. Chen, Hedwigia. 80:257. 1941; Didymodon alpigenus Vent. in Jur., Laubm.-Fl. Oesterr.-Ung. 98. 1882.


Trichostomum alpigenum Vent. in Lampr., Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 547. 1888, nom. nud.

Plants medium-sized to large, 2–4 cm high, deep green or reddish brown, in loose tufts. Stems erect, simple; central strand present. Leaves oblong to ovate-lanceolate with a broad base, gradually acute at the apex; lower margins recurved, upper margins more or less plane, irregularly dentate; costa strong, ending in a few cells below the apex; upper leaf cells quadrate to hexagonal, rather thin-walled, mostly reddish, usually with round or C-shaped papillae; basal cells mostly rectangular, usually smooth, hyaline. Dioicous. Setae ca. 2 cm long; capsules often erect, or slightly inclined, cylindrical; peristome teeth reddish, linear-lanceolate, densely papillose; opercula shortly rostrate. Spores reddish, smooth.

Type. Europe.

Chinese specimens examined: SHAANXI: Qing-ling (Mt.), Giraldi 856, 1826 (H). SICHUAN: Yan-yuan Co., K.-K. Chen 422 (HKAS). XIZANG: Mi-lin Co., M. Zang 1661 (HKAS); Mt. Everest, X.-G. Wang 30 (HKAS, PE); Ya-dong Co., M. Zang 445 (HKAS), S.-K. Chen 5055 (HKAS). YUNNAN: Bi-jiang Co., M. Zang 5760 (HKAS); Bin-chuan Co., M.-K. Cui 64 (HYUB).

Habitat: on rocks in shade, or on tree bases, or soil along streams; Distribution: China, Pakistan, India, Russia, Europe, North America, and Australia.

Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1996 (Pl. 74, figs. 1–5).


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