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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 2 | Pottiaceae | Desmatodon

8. Desmatodon systylius Schimp., Flora. 28:145. 1845.


Tortula systylia (Schimp.) Lindb., Musci Scand. 20: 1879. Desmatodon glacialis Brid. var. systylius (Schimp.) I. Hagen in Weimarck, Forteckn. Skand. Vaxt., Moss. (ed. 2), 61. 1937.

Plants very small, 4–6 mm high, yellowish green, in loose tufts. Stems simple. Leaves contorted when dry, spreading when moist, concave, oblong-ovate, 1.5–2.5 mm x 0.5–0.7 mm, acute; margins entire, serrulate near the apex, revolute in the lower half; costa excurrent, ending in a long awn, smooth; upper cells rounded quadrate to hexagonal, smooth; basal cells rectangular, hyaline. Setae erect, 7–9 mm long, yellowish brown; capsules erect to suberect, cylindric; opercula obliquely rostrate, remaining attached to the exserted and persistent columella for sometime after dehiscence; peristome teeth short, erect, linear-lanceolate, irregularly bifid, papillose, basal membrane low. Spores yellowish brown, 24–27 µm in diameter, minutely papillose.

Type. Europe.

Chinese specimens examined: HEBEI: Wei Co., Y.-C. Zhao 11, 29, 130 (PE). XINJIANG: Ha-xiong-gou, R.-C. Ching 1959 (PE). XIZANG: Shuang-hu, K.-Y. Lang 1050a (HKAS); Za-da Co., Z.-C. Ni 7629 (HKAS).

Habitat: on soil and rocks in mountains; Distribution: China, central Asia, Russia, Europe, and North America.

Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1996 (Pl. 82, figs. 1–5).


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