3. Hydrogonium ehrenbergii (Lor.) Jaeg., Ber. Thätigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1877–78:405. 1880; Trichostomum ehrenbergii Lor., Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1867: 25. 4 f. 1–6, 5 f. 7–19. 1868.
Barbula ehrenbergii (Lor.) Fleisch., Musci Frond. Archip. Ind. Exsic. 4: n. 161. 1901.
Barbula latifolia Broth., Symb. Sin. 4: 43. 1929, hom. illeg. Type. China: Yunnan, Zhong-dian Co., Handel-Mazzetti 6843 (H).
Barbula subpellucida Mitt. var. proligera Broth., Symb. Sin. 4: 43. 1929. Type. China: Sichuan, Hui-li (Quelle) Co., Handel-Mazzetti 2025 (holotype H).
Plants medium-sized to large, 40–80 mm high, soft, bright green, in dense tufts. Stems erect, branched. Leaves soft, contorted when dry, erect-spreading when moist, ovate-ligulate, 2.5–4.0 mm long, blunt to rounded-obtuse or somewhat apiculate, occasionally weakly cucullate at the apex; margins entire, plane or narrowly revolute in the lower half; costa stout, percurrent; upper leaf cells quadrate to hexagonal, thin-walled, smooth or indistinctly mammillose; basal cells laxly oblong, smooth, hyaline. Setae ca. 20 mm long, reddish; capsules erect, ovoid-cylindric; peristome teeth linear, twisted counterclockwise once.
Type. Europe.
Chinese specimens examined: FUJIAN: San-ming City, D.-K. Li 1590 (HKAS, SHM). HENAN: Xi-xia Co., J.-X. Luo 175-b (PE). JIANGSU: Yi-xing Co., D.-K. Li 223 (HKAS, SHM). SHAANXI: Han-zhong City, P. J. Giraldi 1507 (H). SHANDONG: Tai Shan (Mt.), C. Gao 33924 (HKAS). SHANXI: Tai-yuan City, Y.-J. Ling 59007 (HKAS). SICHUAN: Chong-qing City, P.-C. Chen 48351 (MO, PE); Hui-li Co., Handel-Mazzetti 1073 (H). XIZANG: Jiang-zi Co., M. Zang 844 (HKAS). YUNNAN: Kun-ming City, Handel-Mazzetti 417 (H); Zhong-dian Co., Handel-Mazzetti 6843 (H).
Habitat: on rocks near streams or on soil walls; also on rocks in alpine regions or glaciers; Distribution: China, Nepal, Pakistan, India, western Asia, Europe, northern Africa, and North America.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1996 (Pl. 71, figs. 8–10).