3. Leptodontium scaberrimum Broth., Symb. Sin. 4:36. 1929.
Plants medium-sized, to 30 mm high, bright green to yellowish green, in loose tufts. Stems erect or erecto-patent, usually simple. Leaves appressed when dry, reflexed to squarrose when moist, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 4 mm long, gradually acuminate at the apex; margins entire, recurved in the lower half, irregularly serrulate in the upper half; costa stout, ending below the apex, densely papillose on the back; upper leaf cells quadrate or rounded-hexagonal, ca. 20 µm in diameter, densely covered with irregularly branched papillae; basal cells larger, smooth.
Type. China: Yunnan, De-qin Co., Doker-la, Handel-Mazzetti 8174 (holotype H).
Specimens examined: GUIZHOU: Shui-cheng Co., D.-K. Li 2932 (HKAS, SHM). HENAN: Ji-gong Shan (Mt.), H-J. Yu s.n. (PE). SICHUAN: Mu-li Co., Agriculture Ministry Exped. 43 (PE); Xiang-cheng Co., X.-J. Li 3082 (HKAS).
Habitat: on rocks near forest borders or streams; also on soil; Distribution: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 129, fig. 6.