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Moss China | Family List | Moss China V. 2 | Pottiaceae | Pottia

1. Pottia intermedia (Turn.) Fuernr., Flora. 12(2 Erg.):13. 1929; Gymnostomum intermedium Turn., Muscol. Hibern. Spic. 7. pl. 1: f. a–c. 1804.


Tortula modica Zand., Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 226. 1993.

Plants very small, less than 5 mm high, in dense tufts. Stems very short, simple, rarely branched. Leaves imbricate when dry, spreading when moist, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, gradually acute at the apex, with a long awn; margins entire, slightly incurved; costa shortly excurrent, with low lamellae on the ventral surface; upper leaf cells quadrate to hexagonal, pluripapillose on both sides; basal cells rectangular, smooth. Dioicous. Setae elongate, ca. 5–7 mm long; capsules erect, obovoid; opercula short conic-rostrate; peristome teeth very short, irregular, densely papillose.

Type. Europe.

Chinese specimens examined: FUJIAN: Nan-qing Co., D.-K. Li 1283 (SHM). SICHUAN: Yong-chuan Co., P.-C. Chen 1135 (PE).

Habitat: on rocks or soil; Distribution: China, Japan, Europe, North America, and Australia.

Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1996 (Pl. 78, figs. 1–4).


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