Campylopus fragilis ssp. goughii (Mitt.) J.-P. Frahm, Trop. Bryol. 4: 61. 1991; Dicranum goughii Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl. 1: 17. 1859.
Campylopus goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., Ber. Thätigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1870–71: 424. 1872.
Campylopus fragilis ssp. goughii differs from C. fragilis ssp. fragilis in having plants growing in gregarious or loose tufts, having costa nearly smooth at back in the upper part and occupying about ½ the leaf base width, and having upper leaf cells oval and incrassate.
Syntypes. Nepal: Wallich s.n.; India: Sikkim, J. D. Hooker 79b; Khasia, J. D. Hooker & T. Thmoson 86.
Chinese specimens examined: YUNNAN: Cang-yuan Co., S.-Y. Zeng 80-1660 (KUN); Li-jiang Co., L.-S. Wang 81–127 (KUN); Song-ming Co., S.-M. Yu 80–71 (KUN); Yang-bi Co., Redfearn, He & Su 513 (MO, SMS).
Habitat: on roots of trees; Distribution: China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka.
Illustrations: Gangulee 1971 (Fig. 130, as Campylopus goughii).