1. Acroglochin Schrad. ex Schult. f., Mant. 1,2: 69. 1822; Hook. f., F1. Brit. Ind. 5: 2.1886; Kung & Chu in Kung & Tsien, F1.Reip.Pop.-Sin. 25 (2): 9. 1979; Hedge in Rech. f.; F1. Iran. 172: 19. 1997.
Erect, strict, glabrous annuals. Leaves simple, alternate, erose. Flowers hermaphrodite, very small, sessile, clustered in the axils or short axillay cymes, branches ± spinulose; bracts and bracteoles absent. Perianth segments 5, subacute, green. Stamens 1-3; filaments dilated below. Ovary depressed with short style and 2 subulate stigmas; ovule erect. Fruit (utricle) disciform, depressed, circumscissile. Seed horizontal with black, shining testa, exalbuminous; embryo annular.
A monotypic genus in N. India, Pakistan to China.
Lower Taxon
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