Akebia Decne. in Arch., Mus. Par. 1:195. t.13. 1837. Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 1:42. 1862; Bailey, Stand. Cyclop. 1:242. figs. 152 and 153. 1947; Willis, Diet. ed. 7:35. 1966; Rehder, Man. Cult. Trees & Shrubs ed. 2.221. 1951.
Deciduous twining shrubs, glabrous, branched, with imbricately scaly buds. Leaves, digitate with 3-5 leaflets and long petioles; leaflets emarginate at apex, entire. Inflorescence axillary racemes, monoecious with female flowers below and smaller male flowers above. Sepals 3. Stamens 6; anthers subsessile. Carpels 3-12, each ± ovoid-oblong developing into ovoid-oblong, fleshy follicles, opening along the ventral suture, with numerous ovules on several rows of placentae; seeds black, suborbicular.
A small genus of about 5 E. Asian species; only 1 cultivated species recorded from W. Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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