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Pakistan | Family List | Brassicaceae

Arcyosperma O.E. Schulz in Engler, Pflanzenr. 86 (IV. 105): 182. 1924. in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 614; Hedge in Rech. f., l.c. 320.

Arcyosperma primulifolium

Credit: Shaukat & Azmat

Dwarf perennial herbs with flowering stem hardly exceeding the radical leaves, glabrous or sparsely hairy with short, simple hairs; rootstock thick, covered with leaf bases. Radical leaves rosulate, obovate-oblong, shortly stalked or subsesĀ¬sile, dentate to almost entire, much larger than the cauline leaves; cauline leaves distant, few, small, ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, sessile. Racemes lax in fruit, ebracteate, hardly or not elongating in fruit. Flowers medium-sized, white or pinkish; pedicels filiform, ascending or subspreading in fruit. Sepals suberect, not saccate at base. Petals c. twice as long as the sepals, narrowly obovate-oblong, narrowed below, apex subemarginate. Stamens 6; filaments not appendaged; anthers oblong. Lateral nectar glands horse-shoe shaped, open towards the inner side; middle glands torose, joining the laterals. Ovary oblong, subcylindrical, sessile, c. 36 ovuled; stigma depressed, subsessile. Siliquae oblong or broadly linear-terete, often curved, obtuse, bilocular, dehiscent; valves subtorulose, submembranous, glabrous with a distinct mid-rib; septum hyaline, not veined; seeds biseriate, very small, ovoid, not mucilaginous when wet; radicle obliquely imcumbent.

A monotypic genus in the Himalayas and Pakistan.

Lower Taxon

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