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Pakistan | Family List | Cucurbitaceae

2. Benincasa Savi, Mem. Sopra Piant. Cucurb. in Bibl. Ital. 9:158. 1818. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:616. 1879; Chakravarty, Monogr. Ind. Cucurbit. in Rec. Rot. Surv. Ind. 17(1):84. 1959; Jeffrey in Kew Bull. 15(3):339. 1962.


  • Camolenga Post & O. Ktze.

    Annual, large climber, softly hairy all over, monoecious. Tendrils 2-3-fid. Leaves palmately more or less 5-lobed, cordate, reniform-orbicular. Petiole eglandular. Probract opposite the tendril at the base of petiole, reniform-ovate, entire. Flowers large, yellow, axillary, all solitary; male: calyx tube broadly campanulate, 5-lobed, leaf-like, serrate. Corolla 5-partite, subcampanulate, segments oblong-ovate, obtuse, not reflexed, stamens 3, filaments short, green, anthers subsessile, free or slightly coherent, 1-2-thecous, thecae linear, flexuous and sigmoid; rudimentary ovary gland-like. Female: ovary oblong-ovoid, triplacentiferous; style stout, thick, stigmas 3, large, reniform; ovules many, horizontal. Fruit large, fleshy, globose or oblong, baccate, hispid, glaucous, many seeded, indehiscent. Seeds many, ovoid-oblong, compressed, margin tumid.

    A monotypic genus of Indo-Malayan region, cultivated in tropics and subtropics.

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