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Pakistan | Family List | Caesalpiniaceae

Caesalpinia Linn.,, Sp. Pl. 380. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 178. 1754.

Caesalpinia coriaria

Credit: Azmat

Trees, shrubs and woody climbers. Leaves large, bipinnate. Flowers yellow or red, often showy. Racemes paniculate, in the upper leaf axils or terminal. Calyx teeth 5, imbricate in the bud, the lowest outside. Petals orbicular, clawed, imbriĀ¬cate. Stamens 10, free. Ovary sessile, usually few ovuled. Pod various, sometimes covered with spines.

About 280 species, distributed in tropics and sub-tropics.

1 Stamens very long, much exceeding the petals   (2)
+ Stamens not very long; hardly exceeding the petals   (3)
2 (1) Stamens 7.0-1.3 cm long, sepals hairy on the margins, flowers yellow   Caesalpinia gilliesii
+ Stamens less than 7.5 cm long, sepals glabrous, flowers red, red and yellow or yellow   Caesalpinia pulcherrima
3 (1) Pod prickly   Caesalpinia bonduc
+ Pod not prickly   (4)
4 (3) Climbing shrubs with prickles on stem and rachis   Caesalpinia decapetala
+ Large shrub or tree, without prickles   (5)
5 (4) Pinnae 2-4 pairs, leaflets 4-5 pairs per pinna, elliptic to obovate. Inflorescence an elongated raceme   Caesalpinia ferrea
+ Pinnae more than 4 pairs, leaflets more than 10 pairs per pinna, oblong. Inflorescence axillary and terminal dense panicle   Caesalpinia coriaria

Lower Taxa

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