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Pakistan | Family List | Umbelliferae

Conium Linn., Sp. Pl. 243. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 114. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 2: 922. 1872; Hiroe., Umb. Asia 1: 97. 1958.

Taproot stout. Stem striate, spotted. Leaves 2-4-pinnately compound, petiolate; petioles sheathing. Peduncles terminal and axillary. Rays numerous. Flowers white. Calyx teeth obsolete. Fruit broadly ovoid, glabrous; ridges conspicuous, undulate; vittae minute, numerous. Inner seed face sulcate.

A genus of 4 species in the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, America and Africa.

Lower Taxon

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