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Pakistan | Family List | Urticaceae

Debregeasia Gaudich., Voy Bonite t. 90. 1844-52. Boiss., Fl.Or.4:1148. 1879; Benth. & Hook.f.,Gen.Pl.3:390.1880; Hook.f., Fl.Brit. Ind. 5:590. 1885; Hutch., Gen.Fl. Pl. 1:190. 1967.

Monoecious or dioecious shrubs. Leaves 3-costate, alternate, serrate, rugose above silvery or greyish tomentose beneath; stipules interpetiolar, bilobed. Inflorescence of paniculately or spicately arranged, sessile, globose, capitate unisexual clusters of flowers. Flowers bracteate. Calyx of male flowers (3-)4(-5) lobed, lobes ovate, valvate or apically sub-imbricate; ventricose-tubular, contracted and minutely 4-toothed succulent and persistent in female flowers. Stamens as many as calyx lobes. Ovary more or less adnate to enveloping calyx, straight; style generally absent, rarely short, stigma penicillate, deciduous; pistillode elliptic, glabrous or hairy at base. Achenes adherent to fleshy calyx, pericarp brittle. Seed endospermic.

A small genus of 5 species; distributed from Ethiopia eastwards in tropical and subtropical Asia.

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