10. Fagopyrum Mill., Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. 1754; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 54. 1886; Losinsk. in Kom., Fl. URSS 5: 702. 1936; D.A.Webb in Tutin et al., Fl. Europ. 1: 81. 1964;Rech.f. & Schiman-Czeika in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 56: 83. 1968; Bhopal & Chaudhri in Pak. Syst. 1(2): 87. 1977; Hara in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 174. 1982; Grierson & D.G.Long, Fl. Bhutan 1(1): 171. 1983; Munshi & Javeid, Syst. Stud. Polygon. Kashm. Himal. 82. 1986.
Erect annual or rarely perennial, sparsely pubescent to glabrous, branched herbs. Leaves alternate, sagittate-triangular, delotoid, hastately deltoid or cordate; ochreae short, truncate, entire. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, racemose or paniculate cyme. Flowers pedicellate, bisexual. Perianth segments 5-partite, subequal, not accrescent in fruit. Stamens 8, alternating with glandular disk lobes. Ovary 3-angled; styles 3, recurved, heterostyled; stigmas 3, capitate. Nuts 3-angled, much longer than the perianth. Seeds with axial embryo, very broad, transversely folded.
About 15 species, distributed in Europe and temperate Asia; 4 species are found in Pakistan.
1 |
Stem with few leaves; upper part of the branches almost leafless, leaves 1-1.5 x 0.8-1.5 cm. Nut < 3 mm long. |
4 F. gilesii |
+ |
Stem with several leaves, upper part of the branches leafy. Leaves 2.5-8 x 2-4 cm. Nut 4-8 mm long. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Nuts ovate with sharp or acute angles, not crenulate or wrinkled in the lower part. |
(3) |
+ |
Nuts 3-gonous with obtuse angles, crenulate or wrinkled in the lower part. |
3 F. tataricum |
3 (2) |
Perennial, wild. Ochreae (5-) 8-12 (-15) mm long. Inflorescence branched spike-like raceme. Flower white. |
1 F. dibotrys |
+ |
Annual, cultivated. Ochreae 2-3 (-5) mm long. Inflorescence a dense terminal and axillary corymbose cyme. Flowers pink or red. |
2 F. esculentum |
Lower Taxa
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