Grevillea R.Br.ex Knight in Trans. Linn. Soc. 10:167. 1810. J. M. Black, Fl. S. Austral. Part II. 2nd. ed. 268. 1948; Van Steenis et al, F1. Males. Ser. I. 5: 154. 1958.
Shrubs, rarely trees. Leaves of various shapes, simple or pinnate. Flowers usually in terminal racemes; bracts minute and caducous. Calyx tube mostly recurved. Disc obliq. e, annular or semi-annular, entire or sometimes nearly lobed. Ovary usually stipitate; ovules 2. Fruit a follicle; valves plano-concave, coriaceous to somewhat woody. Seeds winged or not.
A genus of about 170 species, mostly Australian, of which one is extensively cultivated in Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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