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Pakistan | Family List | Brassicaceae

Hedinia Ostenfeld in Sven Hedin, Southern Tibet. 76, f. 2. 1922. Schulz in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 454; Busch in Kom., l.c. 457; Botsch. in Nov. Syst. Leningrad. 115-121. 1966.

Hedinia tibetica

Credit: Shaukat & Azmat

Perennial herbs, prostrate or spreading, hoary-tomentose, branched mostly from the base; branches leafy; hairs branched or simple, white. Leaves pinnatisect, many jugate; basal leaves shortly stalked, upper sessile or subsessile; lobes short, lanceolate. Racemes corymbose, somewhat lax in fruit, bracteate. Flowers small, white, subsessile. Sepals spreading, oblong-elliptic, not saccate at base. Petals about twice as long as the sepals, spathulate, clawed. Stamens 6, filaments linear; anthers minute, ovoid, obtuse. Lateral nectar glands in pairs, minute; middle absent. Ovary oblong, many ovuled; style minute with short capitate stigma. Siliculae oblong, laterally flattened, often subcontorted, bilocular, subdehiscent, keeled but not winged; valves membranous, glabrous to slightly hairy, obscurely veined; septum narrowly elliptic, membranous; seeds 10-16 in each locule, small, oblong-ellipsoid, reddish brown; radicle incumbent.

Probably only 1 species in Himalayas and C. Asia. Superficially looks very similar to Smelowskia C.A. Mey. but the fruits and glands different.

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