Helianthemum Miller, Gard. Dict. ed. 4. 1754. Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:439. 1867(p.p.); J. E. Coode in Davis, Fl.Turk. 1:508. 1965; Rech. f., Fl.Iran. 46:1. 1967; Proctor & Heywood in Tutin et al, Fl. Europ. 2:286. 1968.
Dwarf shrubs or herbs with usually opposite and stipulate leaves. Flowers usually in terminal, (raceme-like) cymes, pedicellate, rarely sessile. Seplas 5, unequal, the outer 2 linear. smaller than the broader inner 3, persistent. Petals mostly yellow shorter to much exceeding the sepals. Stamens many, all fertile. Stigmas borne on a short simple style, curved at least below. Capsules 3-carpellary, 3-valved, 3-many-seeded.
A genus of about 100 species, chiefly in Mediterranean region, N. Africa, Europe, C. & W. Asia; represented by the following species in Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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