29. Mitragyna Korth., Obs. Naucl. Ind. 19. 1839. (nom. conserv.); K. Sebum. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(4): 56. 1891; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 1: 581. 1903; Ridsdale in Blumea 24: 43-100. 1978.
Hallea LeroyMamboga Blanc.Paradina Piero ex PitardStephegyne Korth.
Shrubs or trees. Leaves opposite, petioled. Stipules large, interpetiolar, caducous, entire, keeled, somewhat foliaceous in flowering heads. Flowers in globose, solitary or panicled heads, mixed with inter floral bracts and bracteoles. Flowers sessile. Hypanthium short, ovoid-obconic, glabrous or with few scattered hairs. Calyx 5-lobed or truncate; lobes triangular, linear or linear spathulate, glabrous or silghtly hairy. Corolla-tube glabrous outside and glabrous or pilose-pubescent inside. Lobes 5, oblong. Stamens 5, inserted at the hairy mouth of the corolla-tube and distinctly exserted, filament short, glabrous, anthers lanceolate, oblong or cordate. Disc annular. Ovary 2-loculed, ovules many, placentation pendulous; style filiform, exserted; stigma cylindric or mitriform. Fruit 2-celled, cocci dehiscing longitudinally, exocarp thin, endocarp thick, horny, splitting septicidally and loculicidally lengthwise. Seeds small, numerous, winged, lower wing notched or shallowly bifid.
A small genus of 10 species; 4 species are found in continental Africa and 6 in Asia; represented in Pakistan by one species.
Lower Taxon
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