Tectona Linn. f., Suppl. 151. 1781. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:570.1885; Moldenke in Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 60 (1): 123.1973.
Tectania Spreng.Theka Adans.
Trees with soft bark and stellately tomentose branches. Leaves opposite-decussate or ternate, large, usually broadly elliptic, petiolate to subsessile. Cymes panicled, usually terminal and large, dichotomous. Flowers small, regular, bracteate. Calyx campanulate with 5-7 lobes, much enlarged or inflated in fruit, persistent. Corolla hypocrateriform, white or blue, with short, cylindrical tube and straight or reflexed, 5-7, subequal lobes. Stamens 5-6, exserted, equal, inserted on the corolla-tube. Ovary 2-carpelled, 4-loculed, with 1 ovule in each locule. Fruit drupaceous, rounded or obscurely 4-lobed, completely enveloped within enlarged calyx; seeds erect, oblong, exalbuminous.
A small genus of 3 species, native to Southern and Eastern Asia; represented here by a single, cultivated species.
Lower Taxon
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