Turritis Linn., Sp. Pl. 666. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5:298.1754; Schulz in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 548; Busch in Kom., l.c. 171 ; Cullen in Davis l.c. 429; Hedge in Rech. f., l.c. 213.
Arabis* sect. Turritis (L.) Benth. and Hook. f.
Annual or biennial, tall glabrous glaucous herbs, sometimes hairy below with forked somewhat stiff hairs. Radical leaves oblong-obovate, shortly stalked; cauline leaves oblong-ovate, saggitate-amplexicaul, glabrous. Racemes many flowered. Flowers mediocre, white or pale yellow; pedicel usually erect, somewhat appressed in fruit. Siliquae long, slender, erect, somewhat terete-compressed, bilocular dehiscent; valves with a conspicuous mid-rib; septum with deep depressions caused by seeds, not veined; seeds many, 1-2 seriate; radicle sometimes obliquely accumbent.
1 (-3) species in Europe, Asia and Africa; introduced in N. America and Australia etc.
Differs from Arabis L. by its annular lateral nectar glands slightly opened towards outside, middle glands present and joining the laterals; plants often glab¬rous glaucous; siliquae elongated, terete or somewhat quadrangular usually with ± biseriate seeds.
Lower Taxon
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