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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae

33. Wendlandia Bord. ex DC., Prodr. 4: 411. 1830. non Willd. 1789 (nom. Conserve.); Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2: 50. 1873; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 37. 1880; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 2: 583. 1902; Parker, For. Fl. Punj. ed. 2: 282. 1924.


Shrubs or small trees. Leaves opposite or temately verticillate, subsessile or petiolate, usually ovate or oblong stipules entire 2-fid, bicuspidate. Flowers in terminal panicled or thyraoid dense and many-flowered cymes, white, rose or yellow in colour, 4-5-merous, 2-3 bracteate. Hypanthium subglobose, small, persistent. Calyx-lobes 4-5, subequal. Corolla tube salver-shaped or shortly campanulate; lobes 5, oblong-obtuse. Stamens 5, exserted. Ovary 2 (-3)-loculed; style slender; stigma entire 2-fid or 2-partite, Ovules numerous on small globose placentae. Fruit a globose, crustaceous, 2(-3)-locular capsule, loculicidally rarely septicidally 2-valved, many-seeded. Seeds minute horizontally compressed, testa membranous, obscurely winged.

A genus of about 70 species, distributed in India, Pakistan, south east Asia, Taiwan, Malaysia. In Pakistan following two species are found.

1 Leaves softly tomentose or pubescent all over, ovate lanceolate; stipules recurved. Corolla tube shorter than the lobes. Capsule tomentose   1 Wendlandia exserta
+ Leaves glabrous or minutely hairy on nerves beneath, elliptic lanceolate; stipules erect. Corolla tube longer than the lobes. Capsule glabrous   2 Wendlandia puberula

Lower Taxa

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