Zanthoxylum Linn, Sp. Pl. 270. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5:180.1754; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1:492.1875. Talbot, For. Fl. Punj. 1:186.1909.
Shrubs or trees, often prickly. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, glandular-punctate. Flowers mostly unequal, in axillary or terminal cymes. Calyx 3-8-lobed or absent. Petals 3-5, occasionally absent. Stamens 3-8, rudimentary in the female flowers. Ovary 1-5-locular; style sublateral, free or united above; stigma capitate. Fruit a schizocarp, subglobose.
A temperate and subtropical genus, comprising 20-30 species distributed in E. Asia, Phillipines, E. Malaysia and N. America. Represented in Pakistan by one species.
Lower Taxon
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