Ephedra gerardiana Wall.ex Stapf in Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math. - Naturwiss. Kl. Denkschr. 56 (2): 75. , emend Florin, Kungl. Sv. Vetensk. Handl. Ser. 3, 12(1). 1933; Parker, For. Punj. 536. 1918 (Fig. 7, C-F).
Ephedra distachya auct. non L.Ephedra vulgaris sensu Hook. f.Ephedra wallichii Stapf.
Plant shrubby, tufted, dense, 20‑120 cm tall. Branchlets green, ascending, striate, smooth. Male strobilus solitary or in clusters of 2‑3. Flowers 4‑8: bracts obtuse, connate. Staminal column exserted; anthers 5‑8. Female strobili solitary. Bracts 2‑3‑pairs, tubillus 1 mm long, straight. Berry 7‑8 mm long, ± ovoid, red.
Type: East India Company Museum Wallich, 6048 (K).
The plant is browsed by goats etc. A source of the alkaloid Ephedrine.
FI. Per.: May‑July; Distribution: Afghanistan, Chitral eastward to W. Nepal, Bhutan, S.W. China.
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