5. Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. in Neues J. Bot. 3: 85. 1809; Hook. f., l.c. 11; Kom., l.c. 133. Pl. 5. f. 9.; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 224; Jafri & Rateeb in Jafri & EI. Gadi, l.c. 26; Hedge, l.c. 108.
Chenopodium scoparia L., Sp. Pl. 221. 1753; Kochia trichophylla hort.; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 225.
Erect annual or biennial, much branched, up to 150 cm tall, greenish, usually turning pinkish or reddish at end of season. Leaves filiform or linear up to 5 cm long. Perianth wing very short or tubercle-like.
Fl. Per.: April-August.
Type: Described from Greece and Japan, Herb. Linn. 331/20 (LINN).
Distribution: Eurasia.
Commonly cultivated as a summer ornamental. A very variable species with several forms.
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