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Pakistan | Family List | Mimosaceae | Albizia

Albizia chinensis (Osbeck) Merrill in Am. J. Bot. 3: 575. 1916. Ali & Saeeda Quraishi in Pak. J. For. 17: 366. 1967.

Vern. Ohi (Ka)

  • Albizia stipulata Boiv.
  • Mimosa chinensis Osbeck

    A deciduous tree, bark grey, nearly smooth, young parts hairy. Leaves bipin¬nate, stipules c. 2.5 cm long, obliquely cordate, rachis c. 15-30 cm long having a large gland about 2.5 cm from the base, pinnae 7-20 pairs, 5-15 cm long, leaflets 20-45 pairs, more or less sessile, linear-oblong, falcate, subacute at the apex, trun¬cate at the base, c. 1.3-2.6 cm long and c. 2.5 mm broad, glabrous above, pilose on margin and midrib below; midrib close to the upper edge; small glands between the upper pairs of pinnae. Inflorescence peduncled heads, 1-4 together, arranged in small axillary or terminal panicles; peduncle c. 1.75-3 cm long. Flowers yellowish, pedicels very short or absent, bracteate; bracts ovate, acuminate, deciduous, c. 1. 25 cm long. Calyx tubular, 2.5 mm long, teeth acute, corolla c. 5-6 mm long, hairy outside, lobes c. 2.5-3 mm long. Stamens forming a tube at the base, 2.5-3.3 cm long, staminal tube longer than the corolla tube. Pods c. 10-17.5 cm long, c. 1.3-1.8 cm broad, thin, glabrous, light brown, minutely punctate. Seeds 8-12.

    Fl. Per. April-June.

    Type: Near Whampoa, Oct. 6. 1751, Osbeck— probably non-existent (vide Merrill in Am. J. Bot. 3:1575. 1916).

    Distribution: W. Pakistan, Lower Kagan, Jhelum, Kishenganga valleys, eastward up to 4000 ft.; India (Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Bombay, Madras; Asam, Sikkim), Ceylon, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Southern China, South East Asia, Philippine, Java.

    Often cultivated as a shade tree; wood is used for planks. In some parts of India and Ceylon this species is used for fodder. The amount of nitrogen in the soil is increased by the presence of symbiotic bacteria on the roots.


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