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Pakistan | Family List | Simaroubaceae | Picrasma

1. Picrasma quassioides (D. Don) Bennett, P1. Jav. Rar. 198. 1838. Bennett, l.c.; Bailey, St. Cyc. Hort. 3: 2621. 1950; Parker, For. Fl. Punj. Haz. Del. 65. (reprint ed.) 1966.


  • Nima quassioides Buch. Ham. ex A. Jussieu
  • Simaba quassioides D. Don

    A large shrub or small tree, up to 10 m high, almost glabrous except the young inflorescence and branches. Leaves unequally pinnate, scarcely pubescent, 19-37 cm long; leaflets 4-15 pairs, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, serrate, membranous, 5-7.5 x 2-3.5 cm, lower leaflets small; petiolules small, 1-2 mm long or sometimes longer. Flowers c. 7 mm in diameter, pedicel 7-8 mm long. Calyx: sepals 5, much smaller than petals, c. 1 mm Fong, acuminate, glabrous. Corolla: petals (4-) 5(-6), glabrous, ovate-obovate or rarely lanceolate, valvate. Stamens (4-) 5, arising from a thick disc. Ovary with 3-5 free carpels. Fruit a drupe, black.

    Type: Tancote (Thankot), Nepal, 16.4.1802, Hamilton (BM).

    Distribution: India (Himalaya from Chanab eastwards, 4-8000 ft), S. China.

    R.R. Stewart and Parker have reported it from Pakistan but I have not come across with any material. It may be found in N.E. areas adjacent to Indian Punjab.


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