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Pakistan | Family List | Rhamnaceae | Rhamnella

Rhamnella gilgitica Mansf. & Melch. in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Bert. 15. 1940. R.R. Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 467. 1972.


Shrub or small tree 5-7 m tall, young branches glabrous slender, green, old branches rustly red becoming greyish or ashen afterwards. Leaves 1.5-2.5 x (6-) 8-1.2 cm, elliptic to oblong, occasionally subovate with generally an acute-obtuse base, acute, shortly acuminate or shortly mucronate, sometimes obtuse, margin entire towards the base, crenate-serrulate towards apex, green above, pale beneath with 4-5 (-6) pairs of lateral nerves, glabrous, petiole 2-3 mm long; stipules small green-brownish. Inflorescence axillary, fascicled cymes, 3-7-flowered, peduncle short, 1-2 mm long. Flower small, yellowish to green in colour. Sepals 5, triangular, acute, keeled inside, apex thickened. Petals 5, obovate. Ovary bilocular, one ovule in each locule. Fruit (immature) cylindrical, pedicel 2-3 mm long.

Fl. Per.: May-July.

Type: Gilgit Dependency: Pataro-Talunterhalb Zangal, Pinus Cypressen-Geholze, 2450 (fl. et. fruet. immat. 1. Juli 1937 C. Troll n. 7680 (B).

Distribution: Endemic to Gilgit agency.

Known from the type gatherings only.


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