Urena lobata Linn., Sp.Pl. 692. 1753. Mast, in Hook.f., l.c. 329; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann.Cat.Vasc.Pl.W.Pak. Kash.484.1972.
Erect, annual to perennial herb or undershrub or shrub, 0.5 to 2 m tall, stellate pubescent. Leaves 2-8 cm across, ovate to orbicular, truncate or shallowly cordate at base, acute at apex, serrate to crenate, rarely subentire, near the base with a nectary on the midrib beneath, sometimes also present on 2 adjacent nerves, stellate pubescent on both sides more densely beneath, scabrulous above, velutinous below, unlobed, angular or shallowly lobed; lobes, rounded or acute; stipules 2-3 mm long, linear; petiole 1-9 cm long. Flowers axillary, usually solitary or in fascicles of 2-3; pedicel 2-3 mm long, in fruit up to 5 mm, stellate tomentose; epicalyx segments c. 5 mm long, linear-lanceolate. Calyx equalling the epicalyx, 5-parted. Corolla ± 2 cm across, pink; petals 1-1.5 cm long, obovate. Fruit 6-7 mm across, stellate pubescent, globular, glochidate spiny; mericarps 4-5 mm long, dorsally 3 mm broad, radially 4 mm broad and reticulate, shortly awned. Seeds 2-3 mm across, reniform or so, brown, pubescent, glabrescent.
Lectotype; Linn.Herb.n. 873.1 (LINN!).
Distribution: Tropical regions of both the hemispheres.
In Pakistan it occurs in Punjab.
It is an important fibre plant. Fibre is said to be more lasting than jute. In some countries like Cuba, Madagascar, Nigeria and Brazil etc. it is cultivated for making coffee sacks.