Quisqualis villosa Roxb
A deciduous climber with cylindrical branches, covered with soft, brown-golden pubescence, rarely sparsely glandular. Leaves 4-10 (-15) x 3-6 (–9) cm with dense tomentum to almost glabrous, minutely nodular on the upper surface, acuminate, with subcordate base, petiole tomentose to partially tomentose, 4–15 (–20) mm long, persistent, often converted into curved spines. Spikes 2–10 cm long. Flowers 7–9 cm long, 3.75 cm across, at first white, soon turning red with lanceolate or elliptic, acuminate, 6–10 x 2–3 mm bracts. Hypanthium 4.5-7 cm long, lower portion 5 angled, ellipsoid, 4-6 mm long, sericeous with papillae on the inner surface; upper portion narrowly tublar, slightly constricted above the ovary, expanded at the apex into 5 triangular 1–2 mm long acute teeth, teeth tomentose to partially glabrous. Stamens 8-8.5 mm long with 1 mm long anthers. Style filiform, equal to the length of calyx tube, stigma knob shaped. Fruit narrowly elliptic, pubescent, 2.5-3.5 cm long, 7–12 mm broad, five angled, angles scarcely winged.
Fl. Per.: Throughout the year, rarely fruiting in Pakistan.
Type: Described from India.
Distribution: Indigenous in Malaya, Southeast Asia and West tropical Africa, widely cultivated in the plains of Pakistan. Rangoon creeper is commonly cultivated for its beautiful and fragnant flowers.