Terminalia reticulata Roth
A medium size to large tree, up to 25-30 cm tall with many spreading branches with pale greenish, gray and smooth bark. Leaves alternate to subopposite, 10-15 (-25) x 3.75-7.5 (-8.5) cm, elliptic,-oblong or oblong, acute to obtuse, penninerved, covered with silky hairs when young, becoming glabrescent; rounded or cordate at base, usually unequal; petiole 1.25-3.5 cm long, pubescent, usually with 2, rarely more glands on the upper side at the apex. Spikes terminal, rarely panicled, 5-15 (-20) cm long with hispid floral axis. Flowers all bisexual, 5 mm across, yellowish; bracteoles linear, acute, pubescent, 5-6 mm long, caducous. Calyx tube 3-3.5 mm long, glabrous outside, hairy within, calyx teeth very short, broadly triangular. Drupe ellipsoid or obovoid, obscurely 5-ribbed, 2-3.75 cm long.
Fl.Per.: April-June.
Type: India Orientali, Montibus Palliacathensibus vel Mariensibus mixta cum Pterocarpo santolino. Koenig (LD).
Distribution: India, Ceylon, Burma, Malayan peninsula, Siam, cultivated in Pakistan.
The wood of black Myrobolam is fairly hard and durable, fruit is used for dyeing and tanning, used in medicines specially for making Murabba and pickles.