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Pakistan | Family List | Myrsinaceae | Ardisia

Ardisia solanacea Roxb., Cor. Pl. 1:27, t. 27. 1795. Cooke, l.c. 146; Parker, l.c. 304.

Vern.: Dikna, Bugdi, Halad.

  • Ardisia elliptica auct. non Thunb.: Bedd.
  • Ardisia humilis auct. non Vahl.: Clarke

    A large, evergreen, shurb, 1.5-4 m tall. Leaves 10-20 cm long, oblanceolate to obovate, entire, acute to shortly acuminate, shortly stalked. Flowers 1.5-2 cm across, pink or pinkish-white, in axillary, corymbose racemes, shorter than the leaves. Corolla lobes spreading, broad, tube very short. Fruit 7-13 mm in diameter, depressed-globose, black with pink juice when ripe, tipped by style base, supported on persistent calyx.

    Fl. Per.: March June.

    Type: Described from India (probably Tellingas moist valley).

    Distribution: A native of moist ravines and forests almost throughout India. Sometimes cultivated in gardens for its evergreen habit and showy pink flowers.

    It closely resembles Ardisia humilis Vahl. which is a smaller shrub, and known from the coastal regions of India. (Vide Cooke, l.c. 146.)


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