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Pakistan | Family List | Convolvulaceae | Merremia

3. Merremia hederacea (Burm. f.) Hall. f. in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18:118. 1894. van Ooststroom in van Steenis, Fl. Males., ser. 1, 4:441.1953.


Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

  • Evolvulus hederaceus Burm. f.
  • Ipomoea chryseoides Ker-Gawl.
  • Merremia chrysoides (Ker-Gawl.) Hall. f.

    Climbers with twining or prostrate stems, smooth or minutely tuberculate, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaves ovate in outline, 1.5-5 cm long, broadly cordate basally, obtuse apically, the margins entire, crenate, shallowly lobed or deeply 3-lobed, glabrous or pubescent. Flowers solitary or cymose. Sepals broadly obovate to spathulate, notched at the apex, the outer two 3.5-4 mm long, the inner 5 mm long, glabrous or pilose. Corolla yellow, campanulate, 6-10 (-12) mm long. Fruit capsular, broadly conical to depressed-globose, somewhat 4-angled, 5-6 mm long, the valves wrinkled. Seeds blackish, short-pubescent or nearly glabrous, 2.5 mm long.

    Fl. Per.: August to December.

    Type: East Indies, Java, D. Pryon (G, not seen).

    G-5 Hyderabad Dist.: Tandojam Nabisar Rd., 12.12.1959, A. Jalis s.n. (RAW).

    Distribution: Tropical Africa, tropical Asia to China, Malaysia, Queensland and some Pacific islands.

    This and the similar Merremia gemella are almost impossible to distinguish unless in fruit. Fruits of Merremia hederacea are 4-angled wh ile those of Merremia gemella are not.


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