2. Dracocephalum paulsenii Briquet in Bot. Tidsskr. 28: 238. 1907. Hedge in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 27: 152. 1967; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 611. 1972; Rech. f., l.c. 222. t. 204.
I.C. Hedge
Low growing ± caespitose perennial with a thick branched woody rootstock. Stems prostrate-ascending to c. 5 cm with a spreading eglandular pilose indumentum, leafy. Leaves ± ovate-orbicular in outline, c. 5 x 3 mm, deeply crenate to pinnatifid, margins revolute, canescent above, whitish tomentose below, eglandular; petiole less than lamina length. Inflorescence a dense terminal ovoid head, c. 2-3 x 1.5 cm. Bracts often violet coloured, lobed or simple, c. 3/4 length of calyx. Pedicels 0.5 mm or less. Calyx usually darkish violet, 6-7 mm, scarcely bilabiate, with long spreading eglandular hairs; upper lip with a broad ovate median lobe and two narrower lateral lobes; lower lip with two ovate-lanceolate teeth; all teeth acuminate. Corolla 10-12 mm, deep blue to purplish violet, externally pilose. Nutlets not known.
Fl. Per.: June-August.
Syntypes: [Tadzhik SSR] Pamir mts: Gordo-ba, 3500 m, Paulsen 619 (C, G!); Tshatir Tash, 4200 m, Paulsen 784 (C); near Jashil Kul, 3800 m, Paulsen 991 (C).
Distribution: NE Afghanistan, Pakistan, Pamir-Alai, Tian Shan, Sinkiang.
Probably more widespread in our area than the cited specimens would indicate. Closely allied to the likewise high alpine Dracocephalum auchen Boiss. from Iran and Turkey and one of a complex of related vicarious species stretching across Asia (cf. Hedge, l.c.) from the SW to the NE. Also a very close ally of the C Asiatic Dracocephalum discolor Bge. and in the recent Conspect. Fl. As. Med. (Vvedensky 9: 62. 1987) Dracocephalum paulsenii is considered synonymous with it.