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Pakistan | Family List | Labiatae | Elsholtzia

1. Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hylander in Bot. Notis. 1941:. 129. 1941. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 611. 1972; Rech. f, Fl. Iran. 150: 752, t. 431. 1982; Press in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 153. 1982.

I.C. Hedge

  • Elsholtzia cristata Willd.
  • Elsholtzia patrini (Lepech.) Garcke
  • Sideritis ciliata Thunb.

    Annual herb, 40-80 cm. Stems erect, yellowish brown, branched and sometimes purplish above, with an indumentum, variable in density, of white eglandular hairs. Leaves ovate-elliptic, up to 6 x 3 cm, ± regularly crenate-serrate, cuneate, acute, pilose to vinous, densely gland-dotted abaxially. Petiole up to 2.5 cm. Inflorescence of axillary and terminal spikes, 3-7 x c. 1 cm, white, condensed or verticillasters loose basally. Flowers usually secund, pedicellate. Bracts shortly stalked, broad ovate-circular, abruptly cuspidate with a c. 1 mm apical mucro with long multicellular crisped hairs. Calyx 1.5-2 mm with 5 rather unequal narrow triangular cuspidate teeth; fruiting calyx to c. 4 mm; tube with villous hairs at throat. Corolla palish mauve to pale violet, 2.5-3 mm. Nutlets oblong-ovoid, pale brown, c. 1.1 x 0.6 mm.

    Fl. Per.: August-September.

    Type: [Japan] (S-THUNB 13375 microfiche!).

    Distribution: widely dispersed throughout warmer parts of Asia. Naturalized in some other areas, such as Europe.

    In Kashmir usually growing alongside forest paths.


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