Orobanche coelestis (Reut.) G. Beck, Monog. Orob. 114, tab. 2, fig. 21. 1890. Novopokr. in Kom., l.c. 54, tab. 4, fig. 2; Schi.-Czeika in Rech. f., l.c. 9; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 672.
Phelipaea coelestis Reut.Phelipaea syspirensis C. KochPhelipaea tricholoba var. simplex Reut.
Biennial or perennial (?), usually simple with short, subrounded, thickened base; spikes up to 20 cm long; bracts shorter to nearly equalling the calyx, lanceolate; bracteoles free, linear, ± as long as the calyx. Calyx ± shorter than the corolla-tube; segments or teeth longer than the tube, subulate-filiform. Corolla 18-20 mm long, tubulose, erect to slightly curved, puberulous, villaceous, somewhat constricted above the ovary at the insertion point of stamens, slightly inflated below; lobes short, subrounded, obtuse, densely ciliate at the margins. Capsule 6-7 mm long, ovoid, stigma hardly bilobed, short.
Fl.Per.: June July.
Type: Caria, Pinard (W).
Distribution: Mediterranean region, Turkey to Iran, Pakistan and C. Asia.
Very much like Orobanche hirtiflora (Reut.) Burkill, but flowers violet, smaller with short, obtuse or subrounded corolla lobes.
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