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Pakistan | Family List | Typhaceae | Typha

3. Typha minima Funck ex Hoppe, Bot. Taschenb. 118. 181. 187. 1794. Fedtsch. in Komarov, l.c. 169; Riedl in Rech. f., l.c. 6; Cook in Tutin et al., l.c. 276.


  • Typha laxmanni sensu Ledeb.

    Glabrous perennial plant not more than 1 m tall; stem slender. Leaves usually absent from the flowering stem, very narrow, linear, 1-2 (-3) mm broad. Flowering stem at base surrounded by several short, bladeless lance-tipped sheaths. Male and female parts of inflorescence separate; male spikes hairless; pollen in tetrads; female spikes cylindric, sometimes enlarged above, dark brown in colour; female flowers covered by bracts; hairs and bracts are equal in length.

    Fl. Per.: June-August.

    Type: Austria, Salzburg Untersberger Moor, Funck.

    Distribution: Central and Atlantic Europe to Asia.


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