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Pakistan | Family List | Poaceae | Andropogon

Andropogon munroi C. B. Clarke in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 25:87, t. 37. Feb. 1889. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 7:171. 1896; Bor, Fl. Assam 5:381. 1940; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 91. 1960; Clayton in Kew Bull. 27 (3): 447. 1972.

  • Andropogon hookeri Munro ex Hack.
  • Andropogon tristis Nees ex Hack.
  • Cymbopogon hookeri (Munro ex Hack.) Stapf ex Bor
  • Cymbopogon tibeticus Bor

    Tufted perennial; culms 30-150 cm high. Leaf-blades up to 30 cm long, 3–7 mm wide, glabrous or pubescent. Inflorescence composed of 2-4(-8) racemes, terminal or with 1-2 axillary branches; racemes 2.5-7.5 cm long, green, sessile or supported by a short raceme–base 4–8 mm long; internodes linear, widening above to a cupuliform tip with scarious denticulate rim. Sessile spikelet narrowly elliptic-oblong, 4.5-6.5 mm long; lower glume concave on the back, the keels dorsal, wingless, intercarinal nerves or 1 vanishing below the middle; upper glume wingless on the keel; upper lemma hyaline, bibbed to about the middle, with an awn 8-15 mm long. Pedicelled spikelet narrowly elliptic–oblong, 4.5–6.5 mm long.

    Type: India, C. B. Clarke 41961 (K).

    Distribution: Kashmir; India (Himalayas and Naga Hills), Nepal and southern Tibet.


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