Hordeum bogdanii Wilensky in Izv. saratov. oblast. Sel-khoz. opyt. Sta. 1(2): 13. 1918. Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 676. 1960; Bor in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 70:235.. 1970; Tzvelev, Poaceae URSS 196. 1976; Humphries in Tutin et al., Fl. Fur. 5:205. 1980.
Hordeum nodosum auct. non Linn.; Sultan & StewartHordeum secalinum auct. non Schreb.; Hook.f.
Tufted perennial; culms (15-) 30-80 (-100) cm high, erect or geniculately ascending. Leaf-blades up to 18 cm long, 2-6.5 mm wide, scabrid. Spike slender, (2-)3.5-9(-9.5) cm long, glaucous or greenish-violet to dark violet; rhachis slightly scabrid on the margins, tough below but fragile above at maturity. Central spikelets sessile; glumes setaceous, (4-)5.5-10(-11) mm long, scabrid; lemma lanceolate, (4.3-) 5-7.5 mm long, scabrid to appressed puberulous; awn (4-) 5.3-11(-13) mm long anthers 1.4-2.4 mm long. Lateral spikelets usually well developed, rarely rudimentary, male or bisexual, pedicellate; glumes setaceous, (4-) 6-10(-11) mm long, scabrid; lemma (-4)5-7 mm long.
Fl. & Fr. Per.: July-September.
Type: USSR, southern RSFSR, Wilensky 374a (LE).
Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan, Gilgit & Kashmir); Southeast Europe eastwards through southern USSR to Mongolia and northern China.
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