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Pakistan | Family List | Palmae | Trachycarpus

Trachycarpus fortunei (Hook.) H. Wendl. in J. Gay, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 8: 429. 1863 (1861). Bailey, l.c.


  • Chamaerops fortunei Hook.

    Trunk 3-6 m tall, c. 40 cm in diameter, covered with black fibres and with petiole bases. Leaves sub-orbicular, c. 90 cm across; divided nearly from the middle into 30-40 leaflets, segments narrow, flexible and usually pendulous, petiole green, as long as the leaf blade. Inflorescence yellowish green. Flowers clustered, 2-4; male flowers c. 4 mm long and 3 mm broad; female flowers resembling the male, sepals green, ovate, acuminate; petals one third longer than the sepals, ovate. Drupe black with bluish bloom, reniform, 1.25 cm in diameter.

    Type: Plant grown at Kew, introduced by Mr. Fortune in 1849.

    Distribution: Indigenous to China and Japan; rarely cultivated in Pakistan.


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