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Pakistan V. 205 Login | eFloras Home | Help
Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 205 | Polygonaceae

6. Knorringia (Czukav) Tzvelev in Nov. Syst. Pl. Vas. 24: 76. 1987; S.-P. Hong in Nord. J. Bot. 9: 354. 1989.

Polygonum Sect. Knorringia Czukav in Nov. Syst. Pl. Vas. 93, 1966; Polygonum Sect. Aconogonon Meisn., Monog. Plygon. 55. 1826 p.p.; Aconogonon (Meisn.) Reichenb. Sect. Knorringia (Czukav) Sojak in Preslia (Praha) 46(2): 151.1974.

Rhizomatous, densely branched, perennial plants. Leaves elongate-elliptic or oblong to linear, usually glandular punctate with hastate or auriculate base. Flowers arranged in dense axillary or terminal racemes or branched panicle, small, pedicellate. Tepals ± unequal. Stamens 8 (9-10), equal, dilated at the base. Nuts triquetrous, obtuse, black. Cotyledons incumbent, narrow.

A monotypic genus, distributed in Central Asia, USSR, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan reaching further east to Nepal.

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