Acantholimon lycopodioides (Girard) Boiss. in DC., Prodr. 12:632. 1848. Bunge in Mem. Acad. Sc. Petersb. ser. 7.18,2:57.1872; Rech. f. & Koeie in (Symb. Afghan. 5) Biol.Skr. Vid. Selsk.
Statice lycopodioides Girard
Densely tufted shrub; branches short, densely leafy. Leaves planolanceolate, minutely scabrid-margined. Scape simple, shorter than the leaves. Spikelets 3-6, arranged in densely distichous terminal spike. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, 4-5-bracteate. Outer bract oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, reddish; first and second inner bracts oblong, longer than the outer bract; other bracts small, almost hyaline. Calyx broadly funnel-shaped; tube densely hispidu¬lous; limb broad, white, 5-lobed to subtruncate; nerves stopping near the margin of the limb.
Fl. Per.: July-September.
Type: “Habitat in Asia, Hugel 950, in Hb. Imp. Vind.”.
Distribution: West Pakistan, Afghanistan and Soviet Central Asia, Pamir Alai, W. and S. Pamir.
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