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Pakistan | Family List | Labiatae | Nepeta

48. Nepeta annua Pallas in Acta Hort. Petrop. 1779, 3, 2: 263, f. 12. 1783.

I.C. Hedge

  • Nepeta botryoides Soland.
  • Nepeta multifida L.f.
  • Schizonepeta annua (Pallas) B. Schischk.

    Annual. Stems erect, sturdy, branched from base, c. 25-30 cm, with a dense vinous-spreading eglandular indumentum and some scattered peltate oil globules, leafy. Leaves ± bipinnatisect, broad ovate in outline, c. 15 x 10 mm, with linear-oblong or ovate obtuse segments, rather densely covered on both surfaces with villous eglandular hairs, on abaxial surface with sessile peltate oil globules; petiole on lower leaves as long as lamina, decreasing above. Inflorescence of a terminal and several lateral ovoid to oblong congested spikes up to c. 40 x 10 mm, subtended by uppermost stem leaves. Bracts c. 3-4 mm, linear-subulate. Pedicels on flowers of lowermost verticillasters to 4 mm, less above. Calyx 5-6 mm, tubular, with spreading eglandular villous hairs and sessile peltate oil globules; throat almost straight; teeth subequal, straight, ovate-oblong, attenuate into spinulose awns. Corolla white, 7-8 mm; tube scarcely exserted; lower lip longer than upper. Anthers ± exserted. Nutlets dark brown, 1.8 x 0.8 mm, ellipsoid, very finely granular, narrowed at base, rounded at apex, with a small basal areole.

    Fl. Per.: July-August.

    Type: Described from C. Siberia, between the Yus and Yenisei rivers (?type in P).

    Distribution: Kashmir, Mongolia, China.

    A distinctive annual with bipinnatisect leaves, placed by Soviet and Chinese botanists in the independent genus Schizonepeta (Benth.) Brig.; its affinities appear to be more with the other few members of this taxon rather than with the other annual Pakistan species of Nepeta.


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